Can You Make Money in the Vending Business?
Why do the majority of new operators lose money?
They are trying to sell you vending machines!
I believe that your choice of machines is the LEAST important part of running a
vending business. Your knowledge and skills are what will make you thrive. Why isn't this information easier to find?
Unfortunately, the people who are selling "business opportunities" make a lot more
money selling "get rich schemes" then they do showing a balanced business plan on
the vending industry.
read some "Small Change" customer comments (click here)
This lack of truthful vending information causes some people real pain.
It is little wonder that we used to get 1 or 2 calls a month from people wanting to
sell their vending businesses at a loss, just to stop the bleeding. If people had
better access to deeper information, there would be a lot less new vending busines operators losing their
money, and their dreams. Why? The vending business is VERY competitive. Your accounts are your bread and butter. If you try and gain some wisdom from a local successful vending operator you will be stonewalled. He doesn't want to help you become his competition. Your best bet would be to drive a couple hundred miles and set up a lunch with a successful vendor in another state. You might be disappointed though. The nature of the business makes most vending machine operators play their cards close to their chest. In case you are getting the wrong idea, I really enjoyed the vending business. It allowed Patti and I the chance to build our own business, make as much money as we wanted, without asking for a raise. Take time off to go on field trips or outings with our daughter without asking the boss for permission. There is a great sense of security in knowing someone is purchasing a soda, and you are making a profit while you're sleeping. Vending can be a very profitable business. I just wish I'd known then, what I know now. And fortunately for you, You Now Have That Option!
They say that with knowledge comes power. Keep Most Of Your Hard Earned Money In Your Pocket Until You Know Vending Is Right For You! You could start very, very part-time, and find out whether vending is for you, without mortgaging your house (Don't Laugh! we met a couple that did just that!) I will also explain the quick way to go full-time, big-time if that's what you decide to do. So What Am I Offering You?
Here's the deal. As soon as you finish downloading your information, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and sit back and read this ebook.
This information is a collection of my personal opinions from years of actually
running a
vending operation. I won't make any guarantees that you'll
make a million dollars after you read it. I won't try to talk you into the
vending machine business, and I won't try to talk you out of it. I will simply
give you a broader knowledge base than 99% of the people looking into a vending
opportunities. If you decide to pursue vending, you will be MILES ahead of the pack.
What's my agenda? Whether you decide to pursue a vending business or not, I hope that this document stops the endless parade of people who are losing thousands of dollars to a few unethical sharks. Vending is a GREAT business. It has been good to us. I would like everybody to have an equal shot at success. You deserve a fair start. It's simply a matter of getting more knowledge. The sharks give the rest of the business a bad name. Hopefully, this information can do a small part in correcting that perception. To receive your copy of:
I have really struggled with this. If you
took your uncle out for dinner to get his opinion and knowledge, and you
didn't get the answers you we're hoping for, would you ask the restaurant
for your money back? No! Okay, that being said, I understand that you don't know me.
So here's the deal. If you can honestly say that you knew everything in this document and you gained no further insight or knowledge, I will give you a
100% refund.
IMPORTANT UPDATE! The price of this product will be going up very shortly. With pay per click services, paid search engines and web hosting companies constantly raising prices and adding new fees, I will keep this site profitable, (remember my first rule). Therefore, I will be raising the prices shortly. "Buy Now" and beat the price increase! With the knowledge contained in this document you could start a profitable vending operation with a lot less money than you ever imagined. The decision is now yours. Please make an informed one. Good Fortune!
Yours truly, Just in case you didn't sign up above,
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