bottled water vending machines

Topic: Bottled Water Vending Machines

( Who would have believed it 50 years ago? )

Bottled water vending machines created a terrific profit center for our vending business. When we started in vending (all those years ago), the idea of selling bottled water was almost unheard of. The bottle water trend really took off and our customers started demanding bottled water.

The markup on bottled water is great. Unfortunately, in those early days we paid through the nose for bottle water vending machines. We bought machines that could vend bottles and cans and they weren't cheap.

Down the road we stumbled across a trick to get bottled water vending machines without spending a fortune. This little known info probably saved us tens of thousands of dollars. It sure is a lot easier to build a profitable vending business when your machine costs goes down to basically zero. Knowledge is power and we still run into established operators who are paying thousands of dollars for individual bottled water vending machines.

Bottled Water Vending Machines

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