Mechanical counter top snack have become very popular in the past few years. Whether they are mechanical 5-7-9 or 11 selection snack machines.
Most of these tabletop types of machines are promoted through glossy "business opportunity" seminars or exhibitions were you are dazzled by the profit potential than the actual vending machines. We bought almost 100 used mechanical counter top snack machines over the years and they made us money. We paid very little for most of these machines. You see mechanical counter top snack machines have a major flaw. It is easy to steal from these machines because of the simple coin mechanism. We've taken washers and swizzle sticks in the coin collection trays. That's all it takes to rob you of product. I once read a promotional flyer for these machines that still makes me laugh. Inside it was the statement, "these machines don't require power and can keep selling even during a power outage." Okay, first, how many power outages does a location have a year, and second, who is going to buy a snack if all the lights are out!
Mechanical counter top snack machines can be an inexpensive way to start out a vending business as long as the price for them is relative to their quality (i.e., really cheap). Please don't buy a "vending package" that includes mechanical counter top snack machines, educate yourself first.