vending machine locating

Topic: Vending Machine Locating

( This isn't brain surgery )

"What company should I hire to do my vending machine locating?"

This is a question I get a lot. In all the years we operated our business, and all the vending conventions we attended, we never met a single successful vendor who was happy with ANY vending machine locating company.

The great majority of the locating companies are hucksters. They pay their employees very poorly and on a commission basis. These "vending placement experts" will say almost anything to convince a location to put a machine in (so they can make a commission). Unfortunately the new vending business operator has no idea what was said to the location. So when I'm asked to recommend vending machine locating services, I'll pass.

Locating your machines is one of the most important parts of building a successful business. Learn to do it yourself. Once you start you'll realize it really isn't all that hard (Patti actually ended up enjoying it!). If you can locate machines yourself, you will be very successful in the vending business. Don't waste your money on vending machine locating companies! (I think most of them are tied up in court!)

Ask yourself, "Would you start a guitar teaching business without learning how to play the guitar?

Vending Machine Locating

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