If You Are Considering Investing In A Vending Business.. You MUST Read This
Heres why you need this information RIGHT NOW:
Have you wondered why it is so hard to find legitimate information
about the vending industry?
Would you like to know what the vending machine business opportunity salespeople are trying to hide from you?
How can people actually lose money in the vending business?
Would you like to know the 3 Questions to ask a vending salesman to find out whether he's a scam artist or not?
Would you like to know a simple way to start a vending business with very little or no money (FREE machines)?
Can you really make money in the vending business?
Learn how we went from a bank loan and small income to a very profitable vending operation!
If you've attended a vending business opportunity seminar, You NEED To Read This!
The Truth About The Vending Industry
Rob Farnham
Many years ago, my wife Patti and I found ourselves with a
$15,000.00 bank
loan and 5 machines that brought in a total of $43 gross income the first week.
We felt ripped off and angry, but we didn't quit.
Over the next few years we built our vending company to almost a million dollars.
We learned by making a lot of mistakes.
Those early mistakes and our lack of knowledge almost wiped us
Last year my nephew asked if he could interview me for a high school
project on entrepreneurship. Because of distance, I responded to
his questions via email. When I finished I realized I had compiled the information
that we couldn't find when we started. That information would have
saved us TONS of time and money!
Vendings Dirty Little Secret
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THOUSANDS Of Dollars ...
(and earn you large profits!)
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