The fourth one was Slick Complete Vending Business Package that seemed to have a lot of information.
After a little research I found this gentleman publishs 100+ "how to books". Start a Lawn Maintenance Biz, Property management biz, Screen printer, Catering company, Local Email service, Pet sitting, etc., etc., etc.,
read some "Small Change" customer comments (click here)
This lack of truthful vending information causes some people real pain.
It is little wonder that we used to get 1 or 2 calls a month from people wanting to
sell their vending businesses at a loss, just to stop the bleeding. If people had
better access to deeper information, there would be a lot less new vending busines operators losing their
money, and their dreams.
"Due diligence" is the name for checking out all aspects of a business before you buy into
it. Large corporations will spend millions and months on due diligence, before they
acquire or expand into a new territory. You need to do the same thing. It is really
hard to do proper due diligence, on the vending industry, in your local area.
The vending business is VERY competitive. Your accounts are your bread and butter.
you try and gain some wisdom from a local successful vending operator you will
be stonewalled. He doesn't want to help you become his competition. Your best bet would be to drive
a couple hundred miles and set up a lunch with a successful vendor in another state.
You might be disappointed though. The nature of the business makes most vending machine
operators play their cards close to their chest.
In case you are getting the wrong idea, I really enjoyed the vending business. It allowed Patti and I the chance to build our own business, make as much money as we wanted, without asking for a raise. Take time off to go on field trips or outings with our daughter without asking the boss for permission. There is a great sense of security in knowing someone is purchasing a soda, and you are making a profit while you're sleeping. Vending can be a very profitable business. I just wish I'd known then, what I know now. And fortunately for you, You Now Have That Option!
Read More Comments...
They say that with knowledge comes power.
With the knowledge you could gain from this information, you can start a Profitable and Expandable vending business with Little or No Money!
If I had a friend wanting to get into vending, I would suggest they start with little or no money, see if they enjoy the business, and then build it as big as they desire.
Keep Most Of Your Hard Earned Money In Your Pocket Until You Know Vending Is Right For You!
You could start very, very part-time, and find out whether vending is for you, without mortgaging your house (Don't Laugh! we met a couple that did just that!) I will also explain the quick way to go full-time, big-time if that's what you decide to do.
So What Am I Offering You?
Here's the deal.
You will receive my personal opinion on the inside knowledge
of building a successful vending operation. I will detail my business
strategy as if I were starting over today.
Here's what you'll get
A detailed description of our personal vending adventure
What you should NOT do
My opinions on the most common vending sales pitches you'll encounter
How to get high quality FREE machines (and the possible downside)
The 3 Questions to ask a salesman to determine whether he knows what he's talking about, or just trying to seperate you from your money.
Where vending will go in the future
How to start vending with very little or no money and be profitable quickly
If I were starting over today, what I would do FIRST
How to find profitable opportunities easily
Why the majority of people lose money
Other little known resources of meaningful and helpful information
Other major considerations you probably haven't thought of yet
Other Benefits (you probably haven't considered!)
This information will be delivered to you IMMEDIATELY. There will be no waiting for UPS or the post office. It will be delivered to you electronically.
Here's what you WON'T get
- a motivational rah-rah, pump you up sermon
- a watered-down triple spaced document to impress you with it's size
a sales pitch for ANY other product!
- basic information that is added only to stuff the document
(eg. How to put the key in the lock, how to clean the glass on the front of a machine!)
As soon as you finish downloading your information, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and sit back and read this ebook.
This information is a collection of my personal opinions from years of actually
running a
vending operation. I won't make any guarantees that you'll
make a million dollars after you read it. I won't try to talk you into the
vending machine business, and I won't try to talk you out of it. I will simply
give you a broader knowledge base than 99% of the people looking into a vending
opportunities. If you decide to pursue vending, you will be MILES ahead of the pack.
I have decided to charge $20 for this document, (I hate 19.99).
When you purchase this document, you can have access
to the download in seconds. In a few hours you will have obtained
more inside knowledge of the vending business, and the opportunities available,
than most of people who are currently out filling machines. Most of them
are just trying to keep their head above water.
Why am I charging $20?
My first rule of business. It has to make money. Believe me, this is a rule you need to adopt!
Don't do anything that isn't
profitable. Period.
The whole revolution ignored this simple
principal. They lost billions. If something is "too good to be true", it's usually NOT! most likely
there's a hidden agenda.
I would have paid a lot more for this information when I
started. $20 seems fair. If your uncle ran a vending business, and you took him out
for lunch to get his inside perspective, what would that lunch cost you?
This is exactly the information I gave my nephew. I have expanded it so that
he could have a business model, or blueprint to follow if he ever decides to go into
the vending industry. I wouldn't let a friend, or relative start a vending
operation without this knowledge. At one point we had over $80,000 worth of equipment on our locations, making us money, that we didn't pay a dime for! What's that information worth?
What's my agenda?
Whether you decide to pursue a vending business or not, I hope that this document stops
the endless parade of people who are losing thousands of dollars to a few unethical sharks. Vending is a GREAT business. It has been good to us. I would like everybody to have an equal shot at success. You deserve a fair start. It's simply
a matter of getting more knowledge. The sharks give the rest of the business a bad name. Hopefully, this information can do a small part in correcting that perception.
You can have this information in your hands in seconds.
To receive your copy of:
Small Change,
"Insider Vending Secrets Exposed"
"My Vending Uncle"
Okay, what about a guarantee?
I have really struggled with this. If you
took your uncle out for dinner to get his opinion and knowledge, and you
didn't get the answers you we're hoping for, would you ask the restaurant
for your money back? No! Okay, that being said, I understand that you don't know me.
So here's the deal. If you can honestly say that you knew everything in this document and you gained no further insight or knowledge, I will give you a
100% refund.
One more thing,
Lately, on the internet, there have been some unethical individuals who buy
ebooks, copy them, get a refund, and then sell them as their own on other
sites. If this happens to me, I will find you, sue you and then sic my
dog on you. (Now doesn't that sound like YOUR UNCLE!). This is my proprietary
information. It is not for resale, or distribution by anyone but me. I am not granting you "resell" rights or any of that junk!
If you ask for your money back, I will refund it. Only you know if you're
being ethical or not.
The price of this product will be going up very shortly. With pay per click services, paid search engines and web hosting companies constantly raising prices and adding new fees, I will keep this site profitable, (remember my first rule). Therefore, I will be raising the prices shortly. "Buy Now" and beat the price increase!
With the knowledge contained in this document you could start a profitable
vending operation with a lot less money than you ever imagined. The decision
is now yours. Please make an informed one.
Good Fortune!
Yours truly,
Robert Farnham
"Your Vending Uncle"
Order Your Copy For Just $20
Readers Comments
My Vending Uncle (and Aunt Patti) our local business franchise show. I was thinking of buying into vending and my neighbor was thinking of purchasing a home gift basket franchise. My husband bought your info product. ...Debbie and I agreed it made more sense than anything else we'd found. ......and it's going GREAT. Thanks, I've got my own business, a great partner, my own schedule and profit, not debt. Snacks on me! Thanks ever so much!
B. Kraft
Clearwater, Fl
..(letter on file)
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